Due to the good growth of Organofuel Sweden's (hereinafter OFS) Fine Chemicals business, it was decided by the OFS Board in September that the business will operate as a separate company.
This is on the grounds that Fine Chemicals has expanded at an unexpectedly rapid rate and thus requires dedicated management and staff to meet market demands for the company's products.
On the seventh of May 2021, the decision was turned into reality and the Fine Chemicals business area was successfully transitioned to the subsidiary XP Chemistries AB (hereinafter XPC). Under the leadership of CEO Erik Nelsson, XPC is committed to the continued development and production of the company's patented capsaicin products.
OFS continues unabated in its research and development of bio-based fuels and materials to meet the present and future needs for environmentally friendly replacements for today's fossil-based products that have a negative carbon footprint.